
Integrated proposal for Tantric Massages, Sexological Bodywork and Feldenkrais Functional Integrations

By Ale Karasik and sponsored byErotique Pink.

Tantric Massage is your chance to access subtle, vibrant and energetic sensations through an ultra-light touch with your fingertips; and to establish a deep connection with your entire being through enveloping cradling movements all over your body and the sliding of the entire palm of your hand over your skin with oil.

The sensation that integrated tantric massages provide is one of containment, tranquility, letting go, and flowing in your sensations. At the end of the Tantric Massage, a feeling of connection with oneself, unity with the whole, and a decrease in the activity of the mind remain.

The techniques of body movements and grips of the Functional Integrations (FI) of the Feldenkrais Method are fused to the tantric experience, which restore the movement functions of your person, allowing the dissolution of pain, relaxation of unnecessary tensions, greater fluidity in your actions, and a lasting sensation of lightness and bodily grace.

imagen de Sesión de Masajes

You can co-construct the session with all these proposals: Kashmir Tantric Massage, Sensitive, and IF. Ale, in a previous interview, can give you more information and advise you on which choice is best for you at this time.

If you want to book your first session, follow the steps in this form:

Agreements, limits and ethical values of the proposal.

The body is a unit, so in Tantric Massage, it is usually covered in its entirety, leaving no gaps in contact. Before each session, an explicit space is opened so that the recipient of the massage can name which areas of the body they prefer to include and which to exclude from contact, and their request will be respected. Especially in relation to the erogenous zones (breasts, mouth, anus, genitals), and they can also name other places.

Sometimes, less is more, if this responds to listening to yourself, therefore it is not necessary to include everything in the massage.

Our perspective is that you are the person who knows the most about yourself, therefore, everything you bring will be heard, taken into account, not judged and respected. Whether it be limits, requests, or interests.

We understand this type of massage as a way of approaching the depth of the human and its mystery, as a place of self-knowledge, learning and growth. We are based on the perspective of processes. Therefore:

In the first encounters you will not receive prolonged genital contact, only in passing, and if you want. In addition, you can choose to stay in underwear. Later, according to your experience in the first sessions, we can choose to include genital touch techniques according to the scope (superficial, external, or internal).

The encounter has a long duration where the body is always worked on in its entirety, except in specific advanced educational modalities. Genital massages are not provided as a first session, in a direct, recreational way or as a release of tension.

It is important for you to know that the massage facilitator is available to explore the receiver’s sensations. He adopts a neutral attitude regarding his own sexuality and does not share his interests or desires. He does not get personally involved either, therefore he does not establish connections of attraction, romantic or sexual.

The massage is exclusively oriented to the internal experience of the receiver and not to the experience of connection. This is why massage is for people of any gender and sexual orientation, regardless of the personal interests, gender or orientation of the facilitator.

Contact on erogenous zones is established in one direction only, from the facilitator to the receiver.

The receiver, if he or she so wishes, may choose to receive the massage with gloves on the erogenous parts. The facilitator may also choose to use gloves if he or she deems it appropriate at his or her discretion.

During a massage, there is no need for lubrication, thickening (vulva), erections (penis), arousal, orgasms or ejaculation, although all of these expressions are welcome if they appear.

Throughout the massage, you can let your body express itself in the way it needs. In many massages, the receivers cry, laugh, sigh, moan, dance or tremble. These expressions will also be welcome.

As Kurt Cobain said, “Come as you are.”

Massage as a process of self-knowledge teaches your body to feel more. Over time, massage allows you to establish a greater connection with yourself, with the flow of what is alive, with deep states of tranquility, and transcendent moments of pleasure. It also enables the unblocking of physical and emotional tensions that prevent you from being present and in plenitude. It is an invitation to reconnect your entire body with your sexuality as an indissoluble whole, without pre-established hierarchies, freer of limitations, fantasies and pre-established objectives.


If you want to start a process of several sessions, you will discover the other effects that tantric massage fused with Feldenkrais Integrations can have on your life. In the processes of several sessions we accommodate the doubts, challenges, traumas and emerging issues that you may have about your sexuality, accompanying you on the path to find new possibilities for your development, greater capacity for choice, and greater ease for body-based learning.

The process is established progressively, with listening to the body, emotions, thoughts and your possibilities in your current time. In addition, it is an informed process, where you will always know what is going to happen in advance and you will have an indisputable decision on how far to advance.

In the processes, educational intentions, agreements and feedback channels are established. Care is constant, both before, during and after each session. The possibility of intervening with words to suggest changes is also welcome during the massage.

Once the process has begun, each subsequent session is co-constructed by both parties based on the interests that emerge from the previous sessions. Therefore, you become a co-creator of your own development.

What can be expected from a process?

In the first instance, it is usually accompanied by processes that have to do with anxiety, the need for control, mental rumination, ignorance of the erogenous body, shame or guilt regarding one’s own sexuality.

Many people throughout the process discover that they harbor numbness, annoying tingling or pain in the genitals that they did not notice before because they got used to not feeling it in their sexual encounters.

Although massage therapists do not cure due to the scope of professional competence, many people have solved different sexual challenges by having a fuller and less prejudiced experience about pleasure and sexuality through massage.

Through the sessions, the body becomes more intelligent and curious about its desire and interests, increases its ability to feel pleasure and to choose about it, and upon request you will be able to progressively receive different techniques for approaching genitals, advice on how you can use breathing, variations in muscle tone and the use of sound to regulate your nervous system and achieve the type of sexuality you want for yourself.

If you are interested in learning about sexuality and practicing on your own, you will be able to receive valuable information and tasks that accompany the different stages of the process you are in, either by talking or through written or video resources.


Form and Interview

Thank you for getting to this point with your curiosity.

Taking a tantric massage session is a mobilizing and profound event, that is why we created these previous instances of care. This is your first step forward towards the encounter with a more expanded experience of the body and pleasure.

  1. Form: Before taking your first massage, I will invite you to fill out a form to get to know you better and to be informed of the ethical framework of the sessions
  2. Admission interview: I invite you to have a meeting by video call to
    get to know you and to be able to offer you the best possible session for the moment you are in.
  • share with you firsthand and in detail what the massage is about
    answer all the questions you need
  • listen to your limits and fears
  • jointly evaluate if this modality adapts to your current possibilities and needs.
  • Finish defining your choice about taking the massage or not. If you decide not to do so, I will thank you for taking care of yourself.

(This interview has a separate value from the massage and is only for one time only)

Beginner level sessions

  • Touch: The first sessions will be dedicated to awakening the erogenous sensitivity of the skin with three types of touches

– Sensitive Massage: a subtle touch of the fingertips flush with the body

– Kashmir Massage: the primordial sensation of containment and love with the displacement of the entire palm of the hand with oil

– The functional integration of the entire body through the grips and movements of Feldenkrais.

  • Structure: We will go through different stages of the Touch Yoga modality. At times you will be with your pelvis on my crossed legs, I will swing you from side to side and/or I will lift you onto my body to love you. Therefore we will be in contact with different parts of the body throughout the massage. Also in a dynamic way and as part of the massage I will change your positions.
  • Degrees of nudity: You can choose to be completely naked or stay in your underwear. I suggest that you keep your underwear on for the first session so that your nervous system can get used to this type of intimacy through the massage (bring something that can get stained with a little oil)
  • Progression: You can always stay within the limits of the initial sessions. It is not necessary at any point in the process to take a step towards the following modalities if it suits your current needs.

Advanced sessions

In the advanced sessions there is the possibility of gradually adding to the above modalities dedicated to genital exploration.

Some options are

  • Progressive genital sequence of Yoga of Touch
  • Genital Mapping according to the Sexological Bodywork line, ideal for people with numbness, lack of sensitivity or pain in their genitals. Mountain Fire Genital Massage for people with penises (developed by Joseph Kramer)
  • Valley Fire Massage for people with vulvas (developed by Annie Sprinkle)
  1. First level – external massage only: vulva and nearby structures (perineum, insertions, ischiopubic rami)
  2. Second Level – external and internal massage: Vulva and Vagina
  • Anal Massage according to Chester Mainard’s Sexological Bodywork line.
  1. First level – external massage: buttocks, pelvic floor and/or anus
  2. Second level: external and internal massage.

What is a session like?

  1. Upon receiving you:

Body first

We welcome you and support your arrival into your body by inviting you to:

Feel your relationship with the surface you are sitting or lying on.

Work with your breath bringing awareness to your body.

Activate movement to engage your whole being

Discover what you are interested in focusing on.

Listening to what you bring, asking you what you want to learn, discovering what you want to be supported in and inviting more curiosity in your search.

Creating an intention and an educational agreement

By actively listening and adopting your point of view, I accompany your process of creating an intention for the session.
We find in this formulation somatic possibilities and I offer you two or three variations for the massage that fits your present.
Therefore, you will have a diverse landscape to choose from that validates your sovereignty.

Limits and framing

You will be able to express your limits and fears.

I will also remind you of the massage frame and the possibility of stopping contact or the session at any time you require it.

2. Body-centered practice:

Typically, the session involves three aspects:

The massage

We put into practice the different touch modalities and sequences previously agreed upon.

Guidelines to guide your attention

At the beginning of your journey, you may become distracted or disconnected from your experience.

I accompany you to bring awareness to the body so that the nervous system can achieve lasting changes.

Installation time

Resting is a necessary step to give your nervous system the opportunity to install lasting changes.
The installation is at the end of the session after the contact ends. It lasts between 5 and 10 minutes. It is a specific part of the session to get you to stop doing and start being.

3. Closure of the meeting

We recap the experience and talk about how to continue the process.
Here we dive into describing the feelings and what you have learned.
The out-take can lead to deciding future practices and themes to explore in the next session.


Why is it safe?

Educational Agreement

Sessions are organized around a learning objective in the form of an educational agreement.
It offers complete clarity and transparency about what is going to happen throughout the session.
The agreement is built by the client from their own intentions and through a conversational process with the practitioner.
The practitioner agrees to stick to this agreement, not being able to go beyond what is stated.
The client can always end it or reduce parts of the agreement at any time.
The educational agreement is intended to give the client security at every stage of the session.

No sex or romance

I make a commitment not to engage in an erotic or romantic relationship with clients or students for at least 12 months after any work together has ceased.
I adhere to the Somatic Sexuality Education Ethical Teaching Statement which states that the teacher/student/client relationship is an intrinsic asymmetrical power dynamic that precludes authentic consent.

The practitioner remains fully clothed.

By wearing professional, comfortable clothing, we allow those we work with to stay focused on their own bodies and moods.

One-Way Touch

All touching on erogenous zones, especially genitals, is one-way. We do not act as surrogate lovers. If those we work with wish to learn erotic touching or other partner skills, they are welcome to bring one person to the learning sessions.

Hygienic Tools

Hygiene is a priority.

  • Quality Lubricants
  • Organic Massage Oils
  • Vinyl or Nitrile Gloves
  • Disinfection of Utensils and Surfaces
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Sheet Replacement


I had been searching and wanting to learn about the more practical side of Tantra for over ten years, but most of the options I found were not serious or formal. For me, it was vital to find a professional who took my personal exploration and work seriously. When I met Ale, I could immediately sense how serious, committed and ethical he is with his work. In our initial interview, I was impressed with his preparation and credentials, and at the same time, I felt comfortable and confident. I read his somatic sexualities page carefully and found it complete and well explained. Although the first massage was emotionally challenging, as nudity and physical contact are areas I usually experiment with only with a partner, Ale made me feel safe and comfortable. Our work together was deep and transformative. In each session, we defined a clear intention and worked at an organic pace that allowed me to address pending issues about my sexuality and my body. As a psychologist and therapist, I was amazed by the effectiveness of Ale's somatic work. It was eye-opening, meaningful, and liberating. I honestly believe that almost all humans would benefit from personal work with their sexuality. Thanks to Ale, I was able to claim my sexuality and pleasure as my own, I have a greater understanding of the interconnection between body and mind, and I feel more autonomy and clarity about my desires and limits. I am deeply grateful to Alejandro for his care, accompaniment, and wisdom.
Mariana Lavin (México)
Psychotherapist Specialized in Trauma