

Different ways of meeting that lead us to feel the relational body from deep experiences.

Registration for next community event:

We promote the following


Everything happens with consent.

We ask for open, honest and direct communication for the entire encounter and the circumstances surrounding it.

We invite you to practice empathy and cooperation.

We take care of ourselves and others according to the best of our abilities.
We are aware of human emotional and physical vulnerability.

We promote collective learning and bodily, artistic, social and therapeutic self-learning through rooted experiences.

We invite you to play with our bodies from their expressive, artistic and creative dimensions.

Development of

The night

The meeting consists of different moments:

Meeting and cacao ritual

We hold a welcome circle to welcome with words, present the development of the night, get to know each other, transmit the principles, agreements and care.

We close the circle with a modern ritual of cacao drinking.

Connection and guided exploration

The facilitators propose activities of individual connection and group integration that will include a somatic arrival to the body and games with everyone*.

In general, through practices we will give embodied notions of consent.


We explain a more extended practice to do in pairs or small groups. We are inspired by Tantra, conscious kink, modern shamanism.


We are inspired by the oriental bazaar where in each stall there is an exotic and striking proposal. The stalls will be of an exploratory and playful nature. Each date of the event there will be new proposals.

Some classics (and there will be more at each meeting):

Cuddling corner: for tender and loving cuddles
Massage space: provided with mats, oils and surprises.
Eros space: for more intimate and advanced practices.
Play space: provided with different kinds of toys.
Refuge: a place where if you feel overwhelmed or just need to witness, you can stay calm without being bothered.

In these meetings we open the bazaar to those who want to bring their own ideas and proposals.


A free space to continue a game started previously or to investigate your own interest alone or accompanied.

Ecstatic Dance

We close with a group celebration to move all the energy that remains to be shaken.

*The guided exploration space is not designed for a specific sexual orientation. You may be asked to explore with people of the same or different gender depending on the dynamic. Sometimes you’ll have the option to change partners and sometimes you won’t, we can’t guarantee to satisfy everyone equally. If at any time you don’t feel comfortable exploring, you’re always welcome to observe and join later.

Don’t worry if you’re left out for a while, there’s still the opportunity to dig deeper and unfold, now with whomever you choose.

What to do and

What to expect

Everyone can choose where to go during the night and make their own proposals and investigations. All proposals are optional and witnessing is also welcome.

We understand that witnessing is a kind way of entering a play space and from that place we encourage it. There we ask that the witnessing be global and not focused on a certain person or group.

The capacity of the event is 22 people.

We also encourage you to bring your own objects, toys, costumes and outfits that you want to play with. There will also be some available in the space.

You can create your own station and open it to all participants or invite whoever you want. Follow your creativity, instinct and desire!

Decorations and music are added.

Food and drink:

They are included with the entrance. We start with a cocoa drink. Then there are a series of proposals such as arepas and tequeños accompanied by pastries. There will be natural lemonades made from different fruits. All dishes are homemade, made with selected quality products and, if possible, from agroecological origin.

Those who want to contribute with a dish or something to drink are welcome.

The consumption of alcohol or drugs is not allowed at the event because it alters the ability to establish consent.

Bicycles cannot enter (parking at Padilla 765)

Do you have any questions?

Frequently asked questions

What should I do on a temple night?

In principle, we propose things that are more about being than having to do. The most important thing may be that you bring an intention. This can be a compass to accompany you at the event. Something that you want to manifest, to work on, to focus on, or to go by your side as a reference. The intention can be related to pleasure, to your desire, to listening to yourself, to feeling a certain way, to expressing yourself, and an infinite number of possibilities that connect your being with the event. It is also important that you establish your own limits before the meeting and that you can respect them.

What if I'm scared and anxious about attending such an event or not knowing exactly what's going to happen?

Welcome to the club. This is not a choreographed event from start to finish. We provide some exploratory activities at the beginning that are suitable for almost everyone and then everyone follows their personal path. We also provide a framework for interaction that makes everything that happens safer.

We can share with you from the organization that in general people in the process of registering for the event feel a lot of anxiety and anticipation about what may happen, which is not verified when they participate. At the end of the event they feel happy to have participated and grateful to themselves for having taken the step and daring to come. Also when people leave they seem lighter, relaxed, with their faces full of happiness.

In general they experience it as a big step for themselves!

But this cannot (and should not) be verified for everyone. Having doubts is normal. How can you tell if you are ready to participate? To do this, we propose a model with three zones to think about and do the previous exercise of establishing where you would place yourself within it. Within the comfort zone, you participate without feeling uncomfortable. Although you may like it a lot, a little or not at all, it simply does not challenge you: it is what you could be doing on any Saturday night. The resilience zone, which is an area where you feel challenged or somewhat uncomfortable, is an area where you can learn a lot and get out of your usual self. The important thing to establish the edge of the resilience zone is also to feel that you could easily return to the comfort zone without leaving a significantly negative mark on you from an experience, it is a space of reversibility. Finally, the resistance zone, which unlike the previous zone, is an area of ​​less reversibility and you would have to go through a longer process to return to your own state of balance if you experience any experience as negative.

Our advice is that if you feel like you’re going to be inhabiting your comfort zone, you can come, and if you feel like it’s not challenging enough, we encourage you to go find that thing that really sparks your desire wherever you feel it is. If you feel like you’re going to be inhabiting your resilience zone, this is the place and time for you. If you’re going to be in your resistance zone, we invite you to be responsible for your own care and not come this time. In the future, you can check back to see where you are and see if it’s more conducive.

Do I have to go as a couple?

No. We propose a space where the couple does not occupy a hierarchical place with respect to other types of relationships. If you come alone, there will be several instances of integration and activities supported by the organization to see where, with whom, or how you want to be included. If you come as a couple (tri-, tetra-, …) your own agreements with those who choose to participate will be respected, whether it is to stay together or join in to play with others (if you include others, you must make your own agreements transparent in advance). It is important that if you are going to attend with that special someone in your life, you make prior agreements about how the interaction between you and with others will be.

What if I feel uncomfortable or out of place?

Being in a space of experimentation with sexuality (in a broad sense), is demanding and challenging at very deep levels, and feeling uncomfortable is a sensation that even the most experienced have. Going through these places is often a necessary part of the learning and growth process. Although we are doing everything possible to make sure everyone has a good time, do not expect everything to flow internally, especially if it is your first time. Sometimes we think we have it under control, that we are having a great time and suddenly we are taken over by negative emotions towards ourselves (embarrassment), or towards the outside (feeling excluded, rejected, or anger towards the environment).

In this spirit we suggest you follow the following guidelines to mitigate and prevent feeling uncomfortable (inspired by the Touch&Play participant guideline):

Be aware of what you are feeling, thinking and doing (all three are important)
Do only what your body and mind (both) say is good for you. A “no” from either of them is enough to end an activity. You can analyze the reasons later, but just feeling it is enough.

Follow the instructions of the facilitators and the framework of the meeting
Respect your limits

Take care of yourself

During an activity you can always ask yourself and ask yourself again

What am I feeling?
What is my body telling me?
What do I want? What do I not want?
What is my intention?

If you feel tired, overwhelmed, confused, hurt, insecure, these are some things you can try:

Express it, share how you feel with someone else
Ask for a hug or a form of support of your choice.
Leave a meeting or activity
Go for a walk
Take a nap
Find a member of the organization.

Can I go just to see?

Yes. We want to accompany you in the exploration phase you are in. Maybe you are not yet encouraged to get involved in the games, you want to know more about what you are going to encounter or you are in a moment of life with less interaction. Questions to keep in mind to participate in witnessing…

When we witness, we frame and support what is happening from our perspective. We can nourish ourselves from what is happening, just as our unprejudiced, contemplative and containing gaze feeds what is happening.

That is why we witness what happens without judgments or values, we do not give opinions or comment, we do not get involved with a direct gaze, but rather a gentle and general one, we maintain a respectful and non-invasive distance.

If you are interested in witnessing a scene in a close and direct way, it is possible and we also encourage it, but you will have to consult the people involved beforehand for their permission and their requirements. Those who remain observing near a scene must remain silent.

Is this a BDSM playparty?

Warm. Many of the things that happen at a PlayParty can happen at a temple night. There will be, among others, stations dedicated to exploring with BDSM tools. But we understand that it is a space where many other things can happen, such as dancing, sighing, massaging, looking into each other’s eyes, and any other aspect of relational human creativity.

In a very broad sense it can be understood as a PlayParty. These spaces do not have characteristics of a BDSM dungeon. Here we maintain medium lighting and a moderate and calm musical auditory level.

Is it a Tantric Love Temple?

Warm. We embrace the ritual, the energetic encounter, the softness and listening of these types of encounters. To this we add new and different forms of play and connection.

¿Voy a tener que desnudarme?

No. No vas a tener que hacer nada en particular con respecto a la cantidad de ropa que quieras tener. Podés permanecer completamente vestidx, con menos ropa o desnudx. Abrazamos la cultura del cuerpo libre y damos la bienvenida a la desnudez.

Is it an orgy? Is it a swinger event?

No, it is not. In an orgy we are willing to be with anyone, at any time, without saying a word. We are at the antipodes of the same. We also do not inform about the swinger codes of interaction, therefore using them and assuming them when interacting with others could generate a breach of consent and cause a conflict due to lack of explicit consent.

If you are looking to participate in an orgy or interact in a swinger way, this event would not be for you.

Am I going to have to have sex with other people?

No. You won’t have to do anything in particular with anyone. The focus of temple nights is not sexual encounters.

Can people have sex in the shared space?

Yes. Although this is not common. This is a sex-positive space and we understand that sexuality is another expression of relationships, human play, and we welcome it, even if it is not the focus or the objective of these events. Namely…

You are not going to have to have sex with anyone. If you only come because you think it is a place to have sex, you will probably get frustrated and this place will not be for you.

Is it like a club to go pick up?
  • If you come with an attitude of being pushy and insisting, we remind you that in this space we do not behave like that.
    We are going to give you verbal and non-verbal tools to interact in a consensual and respectful way.
    We operate with principles of consent, where “NO” is a complete (and sufficient) sentence to not ask for the same thing again, there is no need to give explanations, and it has to be respected immediately.
    It is a space free of machismo and conventional forms of objectifying approach.

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