
Sensitive Massage

Tantric massage that flourished in Brazil.

Sensitive Tantric Massage was developed in Latin America, and more specifically in the Brazilian school of tantra Metamorfose, and is widely spread in Brazil.

According to the vision of this school, it is a complete system for the expansion of sensitivity, and a treatment that promotes expanded sensory re-education. This expansion increases the spectrum of sensations located in the skin, modifying the entire bioelectrical structure of the body and orgasmicity. Orgasmicity is a new word to explain the sensation of feeling pleasure intensely and in waves throughout the body, whether or not there is a genital orgasm.

Sensitive massage is the first phase in a treatment based on tantric massage. It allows the attention to be withdrawn from the genitals and takes the entire body as a source of pleasure.


The masseur places his hand in the form of a “little claw” without tension and through a very subtle contact with only the tips of his fingers he slides over the skin of the recipient. Thus, it is discovered that the entire body is orgasmic, capable of generating intense waves of pleasure.

Sensitive Massage provides the awakening of bioelectricity, linking the skin with the reflex-neurological reaction of pleasure and orgasm.

imagen de Masaje Sensitivo

Massages and their influence on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).

The slow, gentle movement of the hand over the body becomes predictable for the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), and therefore becomes a touch that the nervous system understands as safe. This allows the ANS to access a regulation towards tranquility, sometimes so deep that for many it is completely unknown or forgotten. This down-regulation of the autonomic nervous system (or increased tone of the parasympathetic branch of the ANS) often manifests itself in extended yawning, the urge to urinate even though we have recently gone to the bathroom, or constant tearing.

Health effects and stress reduction

You will also feel a decrease in the intensity of your thoughts and heart rate. All of these body symptoms are an indication that our body is moving towards a new physiological balance and is therefore eliminating the ions that keep the body in a state of alert (sympathetic activation of the ANS or “fight or flight” mode). The “fight or flight” state usually leads our body to a pH of greater acidity, greater degree of oxidation and premature deterioration of the tissues. Many times our body lives permanently in this state and does not know how to return to balance (or homeostasis). This negatively affects our experience of sexuality, digestion, mood and other vegetative functions of the body. Sensitive massage can re-teach the body how to be in a state of rest (parasympathetic activation of the ANS or “rest and recovery” mode) and activate the long-term regenerative and well-being functions that it entails. It also tends to have an immediate effect on our endocrine system, increasing levels of endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin.

Over time, this ability to regulate downwards becomes integrated into the person and becomes an incorporated healthy habit.

Towards the complete experience of sexuality

Another benefit of Sensitive Massage has to do with the expansion of our sexual experience. In physiological terms, sexual arousal occurs in the “rest and recovery” mode (activation of the parasympathetic branch of the ANS). In a dangerous situation, blood circulation flows to the extremities to prioritize movement and is restricted in the digestive and sexual organs. This is logical. If we have to flee or face danger (in ancient times, a predator or a natural disaster) we should not be seeking to have sex or eat.

In contemporary life, we are constantly pressed by deadlines, financial restrictions, dysfunctional family dynamics, unstable relationships and the daily violence of urban centers. Our brain reads present discomfort or the anticipation of future discomfort as a dangerous situation and therefore we are involuntarily in sustained “fight or flight” mode, even if there is no explicit risk to our life in front of us. Traumatic events from the past that were not resolved through emotional release may also be unconsciously raising our flight and attack branch of the ANS. Our genitals are innervated by a pelvic nerve (the pudendal nerve), which is part of the parasympathetic ANS (the “rest and recovery” branch of the nerve) and which comes from the brain, goes down our spine and exits through the sacrum to our genitals. Since the function of our genitals is connected to the brain, what the brain understands as its reality at the moment of sex will be influencing the activity of the genitals.

The two branches of the autonomic nervous system cannot function at the same time. Therefore, we are either in “rest and recovery” mode or in “attack or flight” mode, but not both simultaneously.

Sensitive massage acts on emotions and the psyche, dissolving existing anxieties and tensions that hinder the sensory and motor information responsible for pleasure, orgasm, relaxation and general balance of the body. Through massage, the brain will be reading safety signals in its environment to activate the functions that have to do with pleasure and sexuality. And this can be achieved through touch in a massage of these characteristics. In this way, signals are given so that the cavernous tissues that make up our genitals are irrigated with blood, and thicken. On the other hand, it is the flight or attack branch of the ANS that causes orgasms and ejaculations. Therefore, both must be well balanced for the possibility of a complete sexual experience.

Sexual function in people with penises.

In order for people with penises to have erections and ejaculatory choice, they must be able to bring their ANS to rest. Daily stress, pressure on sexual performance, past experiences of failure or fear of not being enough can go against what you are trying to live with your sexuality.

Erectile function in men depends on the branch of the autonomic nervous system that promotes rest and recovery. The brain has to give the signal to this system so that the cavernous bodies of the penis are irrigated with blood and can thicken and grow. Therefore, if you are looking to have stronger and longer-lasting erections, you must learn to tone the parasympathetic branch of the ANS that facilitates them.

Ejaculatory choice
Ejaculation is a function of the sympathetic branch of the ANS of flight or attack. Therefore, if this branch is hypertonic, it will cause immediate ejaculations during sexual intercourse. People who want to have more choice over the time before ejaculation should learn to regulate their autonomic nervous system by toning the parasympathetic or rest and recovery branch.

Sexual function in people with vulva.

Vulvas also have cavernous bodies like penises, but instead of lengthening the length of the genitals when irrigated with blood, they cause thickening and appear more swollen. These thickenings are seen in the clitoris, including the bulbs (below the external labia).

In sexual function, thickening is accompanied by greater lubrication, enables greater sensitivity, enables pleasure and prevents pain.

For the thickening of female genitals, it is also necessary to deactivate the sympathetic flight and attack branch of the ANS. Due to daily stress, the social demand to respond to hegemonic body models, or traumatic sexual experiences, this possibility may not be available.

Many times, multiple orgasms prevent them from being able to reach orgasms, they can only be achieved alone and/or with very powerful vibrators.

For people with vulvas, the feeling of security is as important as the desire for fulfilling sexuality.

Body re-sensitization processes through massage and psychotherapy

Psychotherapies also help regulate the ANS. In this case, the approach will be top-down, as they will resolve the mental conflicts that cause anxiety and stress.

Massage sessions propose a bottom-up approach, as they will provide the experience of being calm directly to the body.

Both approaches are valid and complementary. Doing them together can give greater depth, scope and effectiveness to your process.

Progression of Tantric Massage

To begin your journey into an extraordinary world of pleasure, far beyond the usual vision of sex, I propose that you begin each session with Sensitive Massage. It will help you take the small steps necessary for big changes. This type of massage will prepare your nervous system for more advanced massage modalities. It gives the information of security and tranquility to your autonomic nervous system so that it activates the parasympathetic branch that will lead you to connect better.

That is why in all initial sessions we begin with a sequence of sensitive massage.

Some people want to start with Genital Massages (Lingam or Yoni Massages); this, for the reasons we explained above, can be a mistake, since the process begins with Sensitive Massage. It takes 3 to 6 sessions with a predominance of sensitive massage for your body and nervous system to adjust, and therefore for your entire being and emotional body to be available for further explorations.

This work provides a change in the old sexual conditions present in your behavior – only through this change will it be possible to enter a new level of pleasure, which does not depend on sexual fantasies or mental lucubrations – the key is in the body.

I have received this form of massage from Maximiliano García (Tantric School, formerly Massages for the Soul – Argentina) in training seminars, updates and supervisions from his teaching team.

References: Rede Metamorfose